Main Gallery, National Academy of Sciences; Washington, DC. June-July, 1982 Mykolas Zilinskas Gallery, M.K. Ciurlionis National Art Museum; Kaunas, Lithuania. July–August, 2009 with other Gallery A artists Gallery A, Alex Gallery; Washington, D.C. December 1, 2009–February 30, 2010 Gallery A, Alex Gallery; Washington, D.C. May 3–31, 2011
David Goslin at Gallery AGallerie Viecelles; St. Tropez, France. August 20–31, 2011 with other Gallery A artists Gallery A, Alex Gallery; Washington, DC. May 2012 6 Artisti Americani. Assisinarte; Assissi, Italy. September 6–30, 2012 Gallerie Viecelles; Paris, Marais District, France. August 1–15, 2012 with other Gallery A artists Strictly Painting 9. McLean Project for the Arts; McLean, Virginia. June 13–August 3, 2013